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【科研论文】郑月龙教授团队在《Technology Analysis & Strategic Management》发表研究论文



Yuelong Zheng, Mengya Li, Chen Hao, Ataullah Kiani & Yingying Wang. Research on enterprise innovation modes choice and alternate evolution from ambidextrous perspectives [J]. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 2023. 2209219.





This study examines the strategic choices of enterprises regardingexploitative and exploratory innovation, drawing on the ambidextrousinnovation theory and using a case analysis of Ningbo Cixing Co., Ltd inChina (referred to as‘Cixing’for short). The study constructs anevolutionary game model to analyse these choices from a microperspective. The results of the study suggest that when the costs andopportunity costs associated with exploitative innovation are lower, thegrowth rate of innovation benefit is higher, and enterprises are morelikely to adopt an exploitative innovation strategy. On the other hand,when the costs associated with exploratory innovation are lower, thesuccess rate of innovation is higher, and enterprises are more likely toadopt an exploratory innovation strategy. The study also reveals thatenterprises alternate between exploitative and exploratory innovationmodes in response to changes in the external environment. Thisdynamic evolution shows a regular and complementary pattern ofquantitative and qualitative change that promotes innovation growth.

上一条:【科研论文】杨柏教授团队在《International Journal of Information Management》发表研究论文

下一条:【资政成果】姚梅洁博士在人民日报发表理论文章《促进民营经济发展壮大 优化民营企业发展环境》,并被全国哲学社会科学工作办公室官网转发


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